Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Weddings

There's something amazing about Spring time. Emerging from the long, dark winter into a new season, one filled with hope and possibility and energy. The sun seems to have a hold on people, drawing them outside into the outdoors for the first time in a while. Kids are run in the grass, families do simple things--like go on walks--together, couples remember why they're in love, and everyone seems to feel a sense of promise in the future.

Sure, January 1 is the beginning of the calendar year, but Spring is the real beginning of the seasonal cycle, no doubt about it.

Spring is always an interesting time of the year for weddings, and certainly one of the most sought-after periods for celebrations. The weather typically cooperates and can even surprise all of us with a stellar day of sun and warmth. Trees are leafed-out and flowers are blossomed, painting the gardens and baskets with color after the grey winter. The feeling of re-birth and new beginnings rings true in every sight around the harbor.

What I like most about Spring weddings is the types of weddings we commonly see: family and close friends spending time together over good food and drinks, enjoying the best accommodations on the island for a fraction of the price, and focusing on the experience rather than the aesthetics. It's really an enchanting experience to roam the resort as if it was your family's vacation home....

Roche Harbor is nearing the end of its offer to experience the resort for a night or two, including complimentary luxury accommodations and dinner in our dining room. If you're interested in seeing what we're so excited about, give us a call and come see the place with eyes wide open.